

1. Install Sysmon

  • Ensure Sysmon is installed to monitor and log system activity.

2. Configure Sysmon

  • Use an XML configuration file to define what events Sysmon should log.

3. Update Sysmon

  • Update Sysmon to the latest version to leverage new features and fixes.

4. Uninstall Sysmon

  • Remove Sysmon from the system when it's no longer needed.

5. Sysmon Event Logging

  • Understand the different event IDs and what they represent.

6. Sysmon Filtering

  • Implement filtering in the configuration to reduce noise.

7. Sysmon with SIEM

  • Integrate Sysmon logs with SIEM solutions for analysis and correlation.

8. Sysmon Schema

  • Understand the schema of Sysmon logs to create effective queries and alerts.

9. Sysmon and PowerShell

  • Leverage PowerShell for Sysmon installation, configuration, and log querying.

45 Real Examples for Sysmon

1-9: Sysmon Event IDs and Their Significance

  1. Event ID 1: Process Creation

    • Logs when a process is created and includes the command line.

  2. Event ID 2: File creation time

    • Logs changes in file creation timestamps.

  3. Event ID 3: Network Connection

    • Logs when a process makes an outbound network connection.

  4. Event ID 4: Sysmon Service State Change

    • Logs changes in the Sysmon service state.

  5. Event ID 5: Process Termination

    • Logs when a process terminates.

  6. Event ID 6: Driver Loaded

    • Logs when a driver is loaded.

  7. Event ID 7: Image Loaded

    • Logs DLLs and other images loaded into a process.

  8. Event ID 8: CreateRemoteThread

    • Logs when a thread is created in another process.

  9. Event ID 9: RawAccessRead

    • Logs when a process reads sectors from disk volume.

10-18: Sysmon Commands and Usage

  1. Install Sysmon

    Sysmon.exe -i
  2. Install with Configuration

    Sysmon.exe -i sysmonconfig.xml
  3. Update Sysmon Configuration

    Sysmon.exe -c sysmonconfig.xml
  4. Uninstall Sysmon

    Sysmon.exe -u
  5. Dump Sysmon Configuration

    shellCopy codeSysmon.exe -c
  6. Update Sysmon

    Sysmon.exe -u sysmon.exe
  7. Check Sysmon Version

    Sysmon.exe -v
  8. Extract Sysmon Configuration

    Sysmon.exe -c config.xml
  9. Log to a Different Event Log

    Sysmon.exe -i -l <LogName>

19-45: Sysmon Configuration Examples

19-45. Sysmon Configuration Examples - Below is a sample Sysmon configuration XML snippet. A full configuration would typically contain multiple entries under each event type to define what should be logged and what should be excluded.

<Sysmon schemaversion="4.50">
    <!-- Capture all processes -->
        <ProcessCreate onmatch="exclude">
            <Image condition="is">C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe</Image>
        <!-- Exclude network connections to Microsoft IPs -->
        <NetworkConnect onmatch="exclude">
            <DestinationIp condition="is"></DestinationIp>
        <!-- Log all other network connections -->
        <NetworkConnect onmatch="include" />
        <!-- Log DLLs loaded into lsass.exe -->
        <ImageLoad onmatch="include">
            <Image condition="image">lsass.exe</Image>
        <!-- Exclude certain drivers -->
        <DriverLoad onmatch="exclude">
            <Signature condition="contains">Microsoft</Signature>
        <!-- Log other drivers -->
        <DriverLoad onmatch="include" />

Top Sysmon Event IDs

1. Event ID 1: Process Creation

  • Logs when a process is created and includes the command line.

2. Event ID 2: File Creation Time Changed

  • Logs changes in file creation timestamps.

3. Event ID 3: Network Connection

  • Logs when a process makes an outbound network connection.

4. Event ID 4: Sysmon Service State Change

  • Logs changes in the Sysmon service state.

5. Event ID 5: Process Terminated

  • Logs when a process terminates.

6. Event ID 6: Driver Loaded

  • Logs when a driver is loaded.

7. Event ID 7: Image Loaded

  • Logs DLLs and other images loaded into a process.

8. Event ID 8: CreateRemoteThread

  • Logs when a thread is created in another process.

9. Event ID 9: RawAccessRead

  • Logs when a process reads sectors from disk volume.

10. Event ID 10: ProcessAccess

  • Logs when a process opens another process.

11. Event ID 11: FileCreate

  • Logs when a file is created or overwritten.

12. Event ID 12: RegistryEvent (Object create and delete)

  • Logs when a registry object is created or deleted.

13. Event ID 13: RegistryEvent (Value Set)

  • Logs when a registry value is set.

14. Event ID 14: RegistryEvent (Key and Value Rename)

  • Logs when a registry key or value is renamed.

15. Event ID 15: FileCreateStreamHash

  • Logs when a named file stream is created.

16. Event ID 16: Sysmon Config State Change

  • Logs when the Sysmon configuration is changed.

17. Event ID 17: Pipe Created

  • Logs when a named pipe is created.

18. Event ID 18: Pipe Connected

  • Logs when a named pipe is connected.

19. Event ID 19: WmiEvent (WmiEventFilter activity detected)

  • Logs WMI event filter creation.

20. Event ID 20: WmiEvent (WmiEventConsumer activity detected)

  • Logs WMI event consumer creation.

Last updated