Identify Scope

Identification (Domain)

  • Scan and Vulnerabilities

NMAP Command

  • Using Ping sweep for the network:

shellCopy code# nmap -sn -PE <IP ADDRESS OR RANGE>
  • Scan and display open ports:

shellCopy code# nmap --open <IP ADDRESS OR RANGE>
  • Determine open services:

shellCopy code# nmap -sV <IP ADDRESS>
  • Scan http and https (tcp) ports:

shellCopy code# nmap -p 80,443 <IP ADDRESS OR RANGE>
  • Scan DNS (udp):

shellCopy code# nmap -sU -p 53 <IP ADDRESS OR RANGE>
  • Scan UDP and TCP together, be verbose on a single host and include optional skip ping:

shellCopy code# nmap -v -Pn -SU -ST -p U:53,111,137,T:21-25,80,139,8080 <IP ADDRESS>

NESSUS Command

  • Basic Nessus Scan:

# nessus [-vnh] [-c .refile] [-VJ [-T <format>]
  • Batch-mode Scan:

shellCopy code# nessus -q [-pPS] <HOST> <PORT> <USERNAME> <PASSWORD> <targets-file> <result-file>
  • Get the report:

shellCopy code# nessus -i in.[nsrlnbe] -o out.[xmllnsrlnbelhtmlltxt]


  • Step 1: Install server, client, and plugins:

shellCopy code# apt-get install openvas-server openvas-client openvas-plugins-base openvas-plugins-dfsg
  • Step 2: Update the vulnerability database:

shellCopy code# openvas-nvt-sync
  • Step 3: Add a user to the client:

shellCopy code# openvas-adduser
  • Step 4: Log in: sysadm

  • Step 5: Authenticate (pass/cert) [pass]: [HIT ENTER]

  • Step 6: Enter password: Based on the added user policies

  • Step 7: Allow the user to scan networks requiring authentication:

    shellCopy codeaccept <YOUR IP ADDRESS OR RANGE>
    default deny
  • Step 8: Use Ctrl+D key combination to exit.

  • Step 9: Start the server:

shellCopy code# service openvas-server start
  • Step 10: Choose the target for the scan: Create a file containing the targets.

shellCopy code# vi scanme.txt
  • Step 11: Add various hosts on each line:

shellCopy code<IP ADDRESS OR RANGE>
  • Step 12: Begin scan:

shellCopy code# openvas-client -q 9390 sysadm nsrc+ws scanme.txt openvas-output-.html -T txt -V -x
  • Step 13: (Optional) Start the scan in HTML format:

shellCopy code# openvas-client -q 9390 sysadm nsrc+ws scanme.txt openvas-output.txt -T html -V -x


  • Network Identification

  • Basic Network Identification:

shellCopy codeC:> net view /all
C:> net view \\<HOST NAME>
  • Using ping to scan and save the result in a file:

shellCopy codeC:\> for /L %I in (1,1,254) do ping -w 30 -n 1 192.168.1.%I | find "Reply" >> <OUTPUT FILE NAME>.txt
bashCopy codenbtscan <IP ADDRESS OR RANGE>
  • Basic nbtstat scan:

bashCopy code# find /<PATHNAME TO ENUMERATE> -type f -exec md5sum {} >> md5sums.txt \;
  • Hashing all executable files in a specific path:

bashCopy coderndc querylog
# tail -f /var/log/messages | grep named
  • DNS reporting start and viewing DNS reports:

bashCopy code# cat /var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases
# grep -Ei 'dhcp' /var/log/syslog.1
  • View DHCP reports on Red Hat 3 and Ubuntu:

bashCopy code# smbtree -b
  • Network Identification:


batchCopy codeC:\> dsquery ou DC=<DOMAIN>,DC=<DOMAIN EXTENSION>
  • Commands to list all OUs, workstations, servers, domain controllers, and more:

Active Directory Inventory

batchCopy codeC:\> mbsacli.exe /target <TARGET IP ADDRESS> /n os+iis+sql+password
  • Basic scans for target IP, IP range, domain, and names within a text file:

Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA)

batchCopy code:: batch script lines to test usernames and passwords against a target IP
  • Guess or check password:


batchCopy codeC:\> for /L %i in (1,1,254) do psloggedon \\192.168.1.%i >> C:\users\_output.txt
  • Loop scan script:

batchCopy codeC:\> psloggedon \\computername
  • Display logged-on user:

User Activities

batchCopy codeC:\> nbtstat -A <IP ADDRESS>
C:\> for /L %I in (1,1,254) do nbtstat -An 192.168.1.%I
  • Basic nbtstat scan and loop scan script:


batchCopy codeC:\> Get-FileHash <FILE TO HASH> | Format-List
C:\> certutil -hashfile <FILE TO HASH> SHA1
  • And other hash, file verification, and checksum operations with commands such as:

batchCopy codeC:\> fciv.exe <FILE TO HASH>
C:\> fciv.exe c:\ -r -md5 -xml <FILE NAME>.xml
  • Using the File Checksum Integrity Verifier (FCIV) software:


batchCopy codeC:\> DNSCmd <DNS SERVER NAME> /config /LogFilePath <PATH TO LOG FILE>
C:\> DNSCmd <DNS SERVER NAME> /config /logfilemaxsize 0xffffffff
  • Log path setup, log file size configuration, etc.:

batchCopy codeC:\> DNSCmd <DNS SERVER NAME> /config /logLevel 0x8100F331
  • Enabling DNS Logging:

batchCopy codeC:\> %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns 
C:\> %SystemRoot%\System32\Winevt\Logs\DNS Server.evtx
C:\> %SystemRoot%\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Windows-DNSServer%4Analytical.etl
  • Default paths for various Windows versions:


batchCopy codeC:> %windir%\System32\Dhcp
  • Default paths for various Windows versions:

batchCopy codeC:\> reg add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\DhcpServer\Parameters /v ActivityLogFlag /t REG_DWORD /d 1
  • Enabling DHCP Reports:


  • Enabling DHCP Reports:

batchCopy codeC:\> reg add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\DhcpServer\Parameters /v ActivityLogFlag /t REG_DWORD /d 1
  • Default paths for various Windows versions:

batchCopy codeC:> %windir%\System32\Dhcp


  • Default paths for various Windows versions:

batchCopy codeC:\> %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns 
C:\> %SystemRoot%\System32\Winevt\Logs\DNS Server.evtx
C:\> %SystemRoot%\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Windows-DNSServer%4Analytical.etl
  • Enabling DNS Logging:

batchCopy codeC:\> DNSCmd <DNS SERVER NAME> /config /logLevel 0x8100F331
  • Log path setup, log file size configuration, etc.:

batchCopy codeC:\> DNSCmd <DNS SERVER NAME> /config /LogFilePath <PATH TO LOG FILE>
C:\> DNSCmd <DNS SERVER NAME> /config /logfilemaxsize 0xffffffff


  • Using the File Checksum Integrity Verifier (FCIV) software:

batchCopy codeC:\> fciv.exe <FILE TO HASH>
C:\> fciv.exe c:\ -r -md5 -xml <FILE NAME>.xml
  • And other hash, file verification, and checksum operations with commands such as:

batchCopy codeC:\> Get-FileHash <FILE TO HASH> | Format-List
C:\> certutil -hashfile <FILE TO HASH> SHA1


  • Basic nbtstat scan and loop scan script:

batchCopy codeC:\> nbtstat -A <IP ADDRESS>
C:\> for /L %I in (1,1,254) do nbtstat -An 192.168.1.%I

User Activities

  • Display logged-on user:

batchCopy codeC:\> psloggedon \\computername
  • Loop scan script:

batchCopy codeC:\> for /L %i in (1,1,254) do psloggedon \\192.168.1.%i >> C:\users\_output.txt


  • Guess or check password:

batchCopy code:: batch script lines to test usernames and passwords against a target IP

Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA)

  • Basic scans for target IP, IP range, domain, and names within a text file:

batchCopy codeC:\> mbsacli.exe /target <TARGET IP ADDRESS> /n os+iis+sql+password

Active Directory Inventory

  • Commands to list all OUs, workstations, servers, domain controllers, and more:

batchCopy codeC:\> dsquery ou DC=<DOMAIN>,DC=<DOMAIN EXTENSION>


  • Network Identification:

bashCopy code# smbtree -b
  • View DHCP reports on Red Hat 3 and Ubuntu:

bashCopy code# cat /var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases
# grep -Ei 'dhcp' /var/log/syslog.1
  • DNS reporting start and viewing DNS reports:

bashCopy coderndc querylog
# tail -f /var/log/messages | grep named
  • Hashing all executable files in a specific path:

bashCopy code# find /<PATHNAME TO ENUMERATE> -type f -exec md5sum {} >> md5sums.txt \;
  • Basic nbtstat scan:

bashCopy codenbtscan <IP ADDRESS OR RANGE>
  • Guess Passwords:

while read line; do username=$line; while read
line; do smbclient -L <TARGET IP ADDRESS> -U
$username%$line -g -d 0; echo $username:$line;
done<<PASSWORDS>.txt;done<<USER NAMES>.txt

Last updated