Recover Remediate
After the Attack
Using a Hotfix Update for Windows 7 or above:
Using a Hotfix Update for Windows 7 or above with a batch script:
Checking for Updates in Windows 7 or above:
Ubuntu Distribution:
Fetching the update list:
Upgrading current packages:
Installing updates (new):
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1, 3, 4:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6:
Kali Distribution:
Backup GPO Audit Policy to a CSV file:
Restore GPO Audit Policy from a CSV file:
Back up all GPOs in the domain and store them in a specified location:
Restore backup GPOs in the domain from a specified location:
Start the Volume Shadow service:
List all shadow files and storage:
List all shadow files:
Search Shadow Copy for files and folders:
Jump to the selected shadow file in Windows Server and Windows 8:
Retrieve the history of previous versions of a file with
Jump to a selected version of a file or @GMT using
Jump to another path or sub-path using
Jump to the selected shadow file in Windows Server, Windows 7, and Windows 10 using
Create a shadow copy of volume C on Windows 7 and Windows 10 using PowerShell:
Create a shadow copy of volume C on Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008:
Create a restore point in Windows:
Recover to a restore point in Windows XP:
List recoverable points:
Recover to a recoverable point:
Resetting the root user password in single-user mode: Step 1: Reboot the system.
Step 2: Press the ESC key to enter the GRUB page.
Step 3: Select the default entry and press the e key to edit it.
Step 4: Look for a line that begins with the words linux, linux16, or linuxefi.
Step 5: Add ‘rw init=/bin/bash’ to the end of that line.
Step 6: Press the Ctrl-X key combination to boot.
Step 7: After rebooting, you should enter single-user mode as root and be able to change your password with the following command:
Step 8: Reboot the system again.
Reinstalling Packages:
Reinstall all packages:
Removing MALWARE Processes
Windows Malware Removal Tool: Source:
Removing a suspicious file that is running:
Removing a suspicious running file in PowerShell:
Linux Terminate the malware process:
Disable the malware's executability and change its path:
Terminate the application using a specific port:
Last updated