
1. Install WSUS

  • Open Server Manager -> Add roles and features -> WSUS

2. Configure WSUS

  • Open WSUS -> Complete the Configuration Wizard

3. Create Computer Groups

  • WSUS Console -> Computers -> Create a Computer Group

4. Approve Updates

  • WSUS Console -> Updates -> Approve Updates

5. Deploy WSUS to Clients

  • Group Policy -> Configure Update Source -> Point to WSUS Server

6. Monitor Update Installations

  • WSUS Console -> Reports -> Update Status

7. Manage WSUS Configurations

  • WSUS Console -> Options -> WSUS Server Configuration Wizard

8. Synchronize Updates

  • WSUS Console -> Synchronizations -> Start Synchronization

9. Cleanup WSUS

  • WSUS Console -> Options -> Server Cleanup Wizard

10. Secure WSUS Communication

Configure SSL on WSUS -> Update Group Policy for Secure Communication

Examples for Hardening with WSUS

1. Install WSUS Role

Install-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices -IncludeManagementTools

2. Configure WSUS Post-Installation

& "$env:ProgramFiles\Update Services\Tools\WsusUtil.exe" postinstall CONTENT_DIR=D:\WSUS

3. Create a Computer Group in WSUS

Navigate through WSUS Console -> Computers -> Add Computer Group -> Name: "SecureGroup"

4. Approve Updates for a Group

Navigate through WSUS Console -> Updates -> Select an Update -> Approve -> Select "SecureGroup"

5. Configure WSUS on Clients via GPO

  • Open Group Policy Management -> Create a GPO -> Navigate to: Computer Configuration -> Policies -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Update -> Configure Automatic Updates & Specify intranet Microsoft update service location -> Define WSUS Server

6. Start WSUS Synchronization

Get-WsusServer | Get-WsusSubscription | Start-WsusSynchronization

7. Retrieve Update Status

Navigate through WSUS Console -> Reports -> Update Status

8. Configure WSUS to Use SSL

  • Configure SSL on WSUS Server -> Update Group Policy to use "https://[WSUS_SERVER]"

9. Run WSUS Cleanup

Get-WsusServer | Invoke-WsusServerCleanup -CleanupObsoleteComputers -CleanupObsoleteUpdates -CleanupUnneededContentFiles -CompressUpdates -DeclineExpiredUpdates -DeclineSupersededUpdates

10. Set WSUS to Download from Microsoft Update

Navigate through WSUS Console -> Options -> Update Source and Proxy Server -> Synchronize from Microsoft Update

11. Configure Update Files and Languages

Navigate through WSUS Console -> Options -> Update Files and Languages -> Store update files locally on this server

12. Configure Automatic Approvals

Navigate through WSUS Console -> Options -> Automatic Approvals -> Add Rule

13. Retrieve WSUS Synchronization Status

PowerShellCopy codeGet-WsusServer | Get-WsusSubscription | Get-WsusSynchronizationStatus

14. Configure WSUS Email Notifications

Navigate through WSUS Console -> Options -> Email Notifications -> Configure SMTP Server and Notification Options

15. Manually Add a Computer to WSUS

PowerShellCopy codeAdd-WsusComputer -ComputerToAdd "ComputerName" -TargetGroupName "SecureGroup"

16. Retrieve WSUS Update Installations

Navigate through WSUS Console -> Reports -> Update Installations

17. Configure WSUS Reporting Rollup

Navigate through WSUS Console -> Options -> Reporting Rollup -> Enable roll up of update status from replica downstream servers

18. Set WSUS Clients to Download from Peers

  • Configure Delivery Optimization on Clients via GPO -> Set Download Mode to "LAN" (Value: 1)

19. Retrieve WSUS Computer Status

Navigate through WSUS Console -> Computers -> Select a Computer Group -> Status

20. Configure WSUS Products and Classifications

Navigate through WSUS Console -> Options -> Products and Classifications -> Select Products to Update

Last updated