
1. Basic Query Format

  • Start with an event type followed by a where clause for conditions.

2. Filtering

  • Use where to filter results based on a condition.

3. Event Joining

  • Use sequence to correlate events in a sequence.

4. Time Constraints

  • Use until and within to define time constraints between sequence events.

5. Event Type Definition

  • Define event types to filter on specific log types.

6. Field Comparisons

  • Use field comparisons to correlate fields within and across events.

7. String Functions

  • Use string functions like concat, substring, etc., for string operations.

8. Mathematical Operations

  • Use mathematical operations like +, -, *, / for calculations.

9. Logical Operators

  • Use logical operators like and, or, not for complex conditions.

10. Pipe Operations

Use `|` to perform operations like filtering, sorting, and counting on the query results.

Examples for Detection Query in EQL

1. Basic Query

process where process_name == "cmd.exe"

2. Event Sequence

sequence by host.id
    [process where process_name == "cmd.exe"]
    [network where process_name == "cmd.exe" and port == 80]

3. Time Constraint

sequence by host.id
    [process where process_name == "cmd.exe"]
    [network where process_name == "cmd.exe" and port == 80] within 1m

4. Field Comparison

sequence by host.id
    [process where process_name == "cmd.exe"]
    [network where process_name == "cmd.exe" and port == 80 and process.pid == process.parent_pid]

5. String Concatenation

process where concat(process_name, " ", process.args) == "cmd.exe /c"

6. Logical Operator

process where process_name == "cmd.exe" and not user.name == "SYSTEM"

7. Mathematical Operation

file where file.size + 100 > 2000

8. Event Type Definition

file where opcode == "create" and file.extension == "exe"

9. Pipe and Count

process where process_name == "cmd.exe"
| count

10. Pipe and Unique Count

process where true
| unique_count user.name

11. Pipe and Sort

process where true
| sort process.start_time desc

12. Pipe and Filter

process where true
| filter process_name == "cmd.exe"

13. Pipe and Head

process where true
| head 5

14. Pipe and Tail

process where true
| tail 5

15. Subquery

process where process_name == "cmd.exe" and
    [file where file_name == "evil.exe"]

16. Wildcard Usage

process where process_name like "svchost.*"

17. Case Insensitive Match

process where process_name : "Cmd.ExE"

18. Length Function

process where length(process_name) > 5

19. Number Function

process where number(process_name) == 123

20. Array Function

process where array_length(process.args) > 2

Last updated