
1. Phishing Email Analysis

  • Automate the extraction of indicators of compromise (IOCs) from phishing emails and check them against threat intelligence.

2. Malware Analysis

  • Automatically submit suspicious files to a malware analysis sandbox and retrieve the results.

3. Automated Enrichment

  • Automatically enrich IOCs with threat intelligence to provide context during analysis.

4. Blocking Malicious IPs

  • Automatically block malicious IP addresses at the firewall or other security devices.

5. User Verification

  • Automatically verify the status of a user when suspicious activity is detected.

6. Password Reset

  • Implement an automated workflow for user password resets following a potential compromise.

7. Disabling User Accounts

  • Automatically disable user accounts that are suspected to be compromised.

8. Quarantine Endpoint

  • Isolate endpoints that are suspected to be compromised to prevent lateral movement.

9. Data Exfiltration Detection

  • Implement workflows to detect and respond to potential data exfiltration.

10. Ransomware Response

Automate responses to ransomware, such as isolating affected systems and restoring backups.

11. Patch Management

Automate the detection and deployment of patches for known vulnerabilities.

12. Incident Ticket Creation

Automatically create incident tickets in the ITSM tool during an incident.

13. User Notification

Notify users automatically in case of incidents that might affect them.

14. Incident Documentation

Automatically document all actions taken during an incident for post-mortem analysis.

15. Threat Indicator Sharing

Share threat indicators with external threat sharing platforms automatically.

16. SSL Certificate Renewal

Implement workflows to check and renew SSL certificates as needed.

17. Backup Verification

Automate the verification of backups to ensure they are valid and usable.

18. Cloud Security Monitoring

Implement workflows to monitor cloud environments for misconfigurations and security incidents.

19. VPN Monitoring

Monitor VPN logs for abnormal activities and implement automated responses.

20. DDoS Mitigation

Implement workflows to detect and mitigate DDoS attacks, such as adjusting firewall rules or enabling DDoS protection services.

Last updated