

Install Wazuh

  • Ensure Wazuh Manager and Agent are installed and configured.

2. Configure Wazuh Manager

  • Set up manager configurations, including communication and data paths.

3. Register Wazuh Agents

  • Add and manage agents to communicate with the Wazuh manager.

4. Implement Wazuh Rules

  • Customize and implement rules for log analysis.

5. Implement Wazuh Decoders

  • Customize and implement decoders to interpret received logs.

6. Configure Wazuh Policies

  • Implement policies for compliance and system checks.

7. Integrate Wazuh with Elastic Stack

  • Set up Wazuh-Elastic Stack integration for visualization and analysis.

8. Implement Wazuh File Integrity Monitoring

  • Configure syscheck for file integrity monitoring.

9. Configure Wazuh Alerts

  • Set up alert levels and actions in rules.

10. Secure Wazuh Manager and Agents

Ensure secure communication and access control.

Examples for Hardening with Wazuh

1. Install Wazuh Manager

Refer to the Wazuh documentation for detailed installation steps.

2. Register Wazuh Agent

/var/ossec/bin/agent-auth -m [MANAGER_IP]

3. Start Wazuh Agent

systemctl start wazuh-agent

4. Create a Custom Wazuh Rule

  • Navigate to /var/ossec/etc/rules and create a custom rule file (e.g., 1000-my_rules.xml).

5. Create a Custom Wazuh Decoder

  • Navigate to /var/ossec/etc/decoders and create a custom decoder file (e.g., 0005-my_decoders.xml).

6. Restart Wazuh Manager

systemctl restart wazuh-manager

7. Enable FIM for a Directory

Add the following to your /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf:

    <directories check_all="yes">/my/important/directory</directories>

8. Configure Wazuh Alert Level

  • Edit the rule in /var/ossec/etc/rules and set a specific alert level.

9. Configure Wazuh to Monitor a Log File

Add the following to your /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf:


10. Implement PCI DSS Policy

  • Utilize Wazuh’s built-in PCI DSS compliance capabilities by enabling relevant rules.

11. Configure Email Alerts

Add the following to your /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf:


12. Implement GDPR Policy

  • Utilize Wazuh’s built-in GDPR compliance capabilities by enabling relevant rules.

13. Configure Wazuh for Vulnerability Detection

Add the following to your /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf:

<wodle name="vulnerability-detector">
    <!-- Add feeds here -->

14. Configure Wazuh for Cloud Security Monitoring

  • Integrate Wazuh with AWS, Azure, or GCP for cloud security monitoring.

15. Configure Wazuh for Docker Monitoring

Add the following to your /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf:

<wodle name="docker-listener">

16. Configure Wazuh for Office 365 Monitoring

  • Set up the Office 365 module for monitoring Office 365 activities.

17. Implement HIPAA Policy

  • Utilize Wazuh’s built-in HIPAA compliance capabilities by enabling relevant rules.

18. Configure Wazuh for Anomaly and Malware Detection

  • Implement rules and decoders for detecting anomalies and malware activities.

19. Configure Wazuh for Network IDS

  • Integrate Wazuh with Suricata or Zeek for network intrusion detection.

20. Configure Wazuh for Endpoint Detection and Response

  • Implement rules, decoders, and policies for monitoring endpoint activities and responding to threats.

Last updated